Wednesday, September 9, 2009


T & E

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I aM aLiVe! YaHoO

Hi everyone I just wanted to give an update and let ya'll know that I am okay, they actually didn't find anything, non fuid in the tube and no cist! Which is GREAT! except they found nothing wrong... the doctor said everything looked Perfect down there! They also founnd no endometreosis, so next step is either lactos and tolerant or siliacs disease.... so we go on a diet to see which is which! all in all I got surgery for nothing I have been in a lot of pain which is awful! Eric has been SO wonderful to me, he bought me some flowers and has been taking care of me, I got so sick last night and threw up for like 3 hours which was awful as well. I had to go to the emergency room it was so bad, ugh! but I am doing better now.... Eric has been so worried about this but now I am sure he feels a lot better as well as my mother does! I have just been sleeping for all of today except now, erics brother anthony is going to come over and do my hair haha I am pretty helpless! anywho I just wanted to let everyone know I am okay! have a wonderful day!
xoxo Tonya and Eric

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Scary surgery and in the need of Words of Encouragment!

I am not going to lie I am super nervous and scared... I am having my right fallopian tube taken out on the 28th bc there is fluid in it and if that fluid leaks into my uterus I will not be able to have kids, they take it out so that you can have kids.... but if anything goes wrong with my left fallopian tube I will yet again not be able to have kids naturally.. hopefully this is the cause of all the pain that I have been having everyday but I am not hopeful that it is the cause of all the pain, only the lower pain.... I just wanted to vent for a minute my surgery is on the 28th ans I could really use some encouraging words from the family, I have been trying to not be so nervous but I want children more than anything and so does Eric and last night we were talking and I just got really scared... so sitting in my room now, alone bc Eric is at work, I am hysterically bawling... I am trying so hard not to worry that something is going to go wrong but its hard so can everyone please just say a prayer for me, I could really use the extra ones! I love you all so much and miss seeing everyone!
Oh and on a happy HAPPY note, Eric proposed, I told Katie I was going to post this but I kept forgetting to do it or was too lazy! We are too broke or we would get married this fall, so plan on next year sometime, maybe August?! love you all!

xoxo Tonya and Eric

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hi all! just wanted to say hello to everyone... I haven't written in awhile and sadly I have no new pictures, but I miss everyone and thought I would write... Eric and I are doing great.. he is just working super hard, he is on incentive at his work and he made over 18 bucks an hour last week! eee I am so proud of him... he is amazing! andwho... I am doin good still on the job hunt and still carless but doing good other than that! love everyone and miss you all..... and DANG IT brother give me your work phone number.... grrr love ya

Eric and Tonya

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cross Country Trip!

First of all sorry it has been so long... I should be doing this considering I have no job and now no car cause it broke down.... but I have been being a nerd and playing WOW yes I know... the game my Brother and Chris play.. I am obbsessed, who would of thought I would have turned out like my brother.. a NERD!! haha... anyway... Eric and I recently took a trip across the country... yes all the way from here to south carolina! We saw Colorado, (which sounds dumb but I have never been there before) Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, South and North Carolina! We tried to get a picture by ever state sign... but we missed some! We did pretty good, we got north and south carolina, Missouri Tennesse and Kentucky!
I also got this picture for you sister... you will think this is absolutely HILARIOUS! only because we absolutely hated this movie with all our guts... until the second time we watched it.. haha we went and bought it bc we thought it would be a really cute movie... turned out it was just REALLY weird! and guess what... its a real town haha
So funny... anyway! If any of you have, or will be going east or south east soon or not soon... GO
TO WAFFLE HOUSE! they have perhaps the best waffles we have ever eaten, you know how when you make waffles at home they are pancakes in a different form.. well these taste NOTHING like pancakes ... and the waffles even say waffle house ono them... yummy I want one right now... I am planning on calling waffle house corporation and asking.. no no begging for them to PLEASE come to Utah! ooh that would be amazing! And they are the cutest little building ever.. plus Eric andI could eat there for under ten dollars... we each got one waffle which was Plenty for us to eat... they are HUGE! and YUMMY!

We also went to the Georgia Aqaurium and the World of Coke.. Eric bought me a coke sweater.. you know the red ones with the white words.. that I have wanted since I was little ! I was so excited! eee I wore it the next day.... here are some pictures from those places
We didn't just drive across thecountry for nothing.... we went down for Eric's friends wedding,
Eric was the best man! and must I say he looks gorgeous in a tuxedo! The wedding was beautiful... We had a lot of fun hangin out with the grooms mom.. who is amazing, we also got to hang out with the grooms little girl Eva who is so darn cute... I couldn't help but smile when I saw her!
We went to South Carolina after we were all done with the wedding bc Eric has a good friend down there... so we went to see him in columbia! Eric took me to the zoo..... I love the zoo I getso excited when I see the animals, I am like a little kid! I love it...

Last but most certainly NOT least... Eric is amazing he was so good at humoring me... I wanted to go see the dorothy museum in Kansas... and even though they were closed we still drove up there... just to look at the outside... it was only ten miles out of the way but round trip twenty and so NOT worth it.. haha I think it would be if you could go inside but from the outside its just a building... not even one yellow brick road! We also went to metropolis, Illinois! ..... seriously superman the size of a building... I came up to his knee! Wow it was super cool and we saw louis and clark and Eric even sat with me bc I wanted to go into the lame gift shop.... which was closed when we got there.. I dont even really like superman! BUT it was still way cool.. see for yourself!

I love you all so much and just wanted to let you know we are doing great! Sorry I dont update enough.. I will try harder! Everyone have a great week! love you all!

xoxo Tonya and Eric

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hi everyone. This blog is going to be lame but I wanted to give everyone an update... I am still really sick with h-pylori but the medicine the doctor gave me makes me super sick so I can't take it anymore I am waiting for the doctor to call me back to tell me what to do! I still work making books and not making enough money but who is! I love living with Eric and am so glad he is a part of my life. I miss you all and think we need to get together SOON! miss everyone hope life is good! xoxo

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sorry I am lame and have not put up pictures.. But I just wanted to say hi! I am happy.. I really like Eric I hope all you guys did too! love you all. Can't wait to see everyone again, hopefully its not my birthday next year! eee.. xoxo Tonya